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Tune repository checks

Argocd by default checks the git repositories every 3 minutes to see if they are any changes. When you start to increase the number of applications and repositories, some argocd pods start to use a lot of cpu and memory resoruces.

With this settings we will make that process faster a lighter.

From 3 minutes to 12 hours

First of all we will change increase the time argocd will do an automatic refresh.

This can be done with the following option in the argocd-cm configMap

timeout.reconciliation: 12h

Faster and lighter: Gitlab side

Now we will argocd make a refresh when a push event is received in the git repository.

Lets see in Gitlab:

Go to your repository in Settings - Webhooks and create a webhook with this options.

URL: https://YOUR_ARGOCD_INSTANCE_URL/api/webhook  (we need it exposed via ingress)
Secret Token: use a password generator to define a token
Trigger. Choose push events and configure the branch where your argocd manifests are located
SSL verification: If your argocd instace has a known certificate, let it enabled

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Faster and lighter: Argocd side

It is time to configure that token in our argocd instance. Create the following secret:

  • In the argocd namespace
  • Called, for example argocd-custom-secrets
  • With the webhook.gitlab.secret key with the value of the token
  • With the argocd label

Now will link the webhook.gitlab.secret with the recently created secret. This is done setting this line in the argocd-secret Secret

apiVersion: v1
  webhook.gitlab.secret: $argocd-custom-secrets:webhook.gitlab.secret
kind: Secret
  name: argocd-secret
type: Opaque

If you don't want to create a new secret, it is posibble to directly configure the value of the token in the webhook.gitlab.secret key of the argocd-secret Secret. I propose this way because of some problems merging an externalsecret with the existing argocd-secret Secret

Test the web hook

We can go to the place where we created the webhook instance and test the webhook.

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It must have connectivity between gitlab and argocd

Same for the applicationset controller

This settings refreshes the applications at every push, but we can do the same for the applicationsets

  • Create a new ingress that exposes the webhook port of the argocd-applicationset-controller pod
  • Create a new webhook in gitlab the same way, now with the url https://THE_NEW_INGRESS/api/webhook

Sometimes it can be neccesary to restart the controller

kubectl rollout restart -n argocd deployment argocd-server


kubectl rollout restart -n argocd deploy argocd-applicationset-controller

Increate performance via manifest-generate-paths

Another great setting is using manifest-generate-paths. We can tell argocd applications to only trigger a refresh is the changes are detected in one or more paths of the github repository.

This can be done adding the label to the applications .

This only will trigger a refresh when the changes are detected in the path the application has been declared. We can configure more paths comma separated.

As I know, this only works for kustomize based applications

  • Git Webhook Configuration

  • High Availability