All images from private ECR and no inet¶
The cluster has been predeployed with kubeadm and temporary internet access. The control plane is working but that container images will not be accesible if they need to be downloaded again.
We dont have internet access in our kubernetes cluster The cluster must get all the container images from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry. AWS gives a 12 hours valid token for that. We need to renew it properly. We cannot access to helm repositories
All the secrets will be stored in AWS Secrets Manager and we will use external secrets operator v0.12.1
Power user¶
We will do some tasks like create repositories, iam policies, iam users, push image or create secrets. We need permissions to do that operations. For example, to push images we ca use the predefined AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser policy or use a more precise setup.
Assume that user will be called "power-user"
Iam user to pull images¶
We must create an iam user to permite kubelet and the service accounts to pull the images. We can use the generic AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPullOnly predefined policy or do a more precise setup.
Assume that user will be called "image-puller"
Also create an access key and store the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in secrets manager:
Bootstrap external-secrets operator¶
Because all the container images will be located in a private repository we need to bootstrap external secrets operator in order to provide kubelet the credentials to that private repository in a secure way.
External secrets repository¶
Go to Elastic Container Registry and create a repository called, for example, MYPROJECT/external-secrets. Take care about the resulting Resource ARN and URL of the repository.
Push the external secrets image¶
Pull the external-secrets operator official image for our release
docker pull
docker tag MYREPOURL/external-secrets:v0.12.1
As power user push it to the new repository
aws ecr get-login-password --region MYREGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker push MYREPOURL/external-secrets:v0.12.1
Create the kubelet credentials¶
For that we need to create a kubernetes secret in the external-secrets with the credentials. We will call it "puller".
- The server will be MYREPOURL
- The username will be AWS
- The password is a 12h valid token
aws configure --profile image-puller # use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and REGION
export AWS_PROFILE=image-puller
kubectl create ns external-secrets
kubectl create secret docker-registry puller -n external-secrets --docker-server=MYREPOURL --docker-username=AWS --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password) --dry-run -o yaml
Deploy the operator¶
In order to deploy the operator we need to use the official yaml (not the helm chart), change the url of the images to our private repository repository and give the service accounts the kubelet credentials.
See this kustomization file and the imagepullsecrets patch file
Finally deploy external secrets operator with
kubectl apply -k .
Notes about pending tasks¶
Now we have a puller secret in the external-secrets namespace that can pull images from our container but we have several things to do:
- Create new repositories in ECR and pull all the images. It will not be treated here
- Change all the service accounts use the ecr-auth credentials as pullsecret.
- Convert the puller secret to be an managed (not manual) secret.
- Distribute the puller secret to all namespaces.
- The token lives 12 hours. We also needs to renew it.
- Pushing a Docker image to an Amazon ECR private repository
- External secrets operator helm chart
- Generators
- External secrets operator and ecr generator
- External secrets operator cluster external secret